lunes, 20 de mayo de 2013

Translation Methods

Let’s check out the methods that we use to start to translate… 


1) The Semantic-Semiotic Method:
-Emphasis on interpretation of meaning
-Importace of implicitness
-Semantic component allows decoding the extralinguistic elements

Semantic - Semiotics is not just an act of reading, but an attitude of exploration of what background there any significance, its roots and the mechanisms that support it. It mean that semiotic studies the linguistic signs in the context, "the symbolic aspect of the text that results from the interaction between the knowledge of the author expressed in the text and the translator's sociocultural background to interpret it" (Delgado; Lozada; Zantoyo, 2009). Because of that the same text can have different translations.
Ex. The chief executives of the UN:

- Los jefes ejecutivos de las Naciones Unidas
- Comite ejecutivo de las Naciones Unidas

2) The Communicative Method
-Emphasis on communication
-Meaning more important that form.

3) The Adaptation Method
-Emphasis on the receiver of the text.
-Choice of lenguange determined by socio-cultural shift.
-Activation of socio-cultural Backgrouned.
-Completely different form of language.

In this method the translator decides to use a different sentence or phrase to express the original meaning. Therefore the emphasis is placed on the receiver and the translator tries to adapt it according of social - cultural manners or knowledge of readers.

Ex.Proxy War

The literal translation is:
- Guerra de Poder

The adaptation is:
- Guerra por Encargo

4) The Literal Method
-Exact lexical and structural reproductione equivalence between the lenguages.

5) The Dynamic Equivalence Method
-Applicaction of the advances of discourse analysis of textual and literal criticism, of socio-semantics and semiotics.
6) TheEquivalence Method
-The meaning is given by ignoring the structure.

7) The Critical Method.
-Discovery of the author’s ideological universe.

Source: Translation as a tool for the teaching of English Texts: A Discourse Analysis. Delgado, Marbella; Lozada, Dalia; Santoyo, Francisco.

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